Contribution on Fundamentals of SHS and the Implementation of SHS Technology in Industry

ISSN online 2612-4882
ISSN print 2612-4408

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Alexander G. Merzhanov, Inna P. Borovinskaya
Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Chernogolovka, Russia


The paper considers the main results of the authors’ investigations in the field of the scientific backgrounds of the processes of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and their practical realization.
The scientific discovery of the phenomenon of solid flame dates back to 1967 (A.G. Merzhanov, I.P. Borovinskaya, V.M. Shkiro, 1967).
The first part of the paper considers the results connected with the elaboration of the methods of SHS experimental diagnostics, investigations of gasless and filtration combustion regularities, discovery of new interesting phenomena, processes, modes, and development of the process mechanism concept.
Great attention is paid to the formation of solid products in self-propagating processes (it’s the main difference of SHS from fuel combustion). The concepts of phase and structure formation mechanisms in final combustion products, equilibrium and non-equilibrium SHS products and processes are stated. The method of kinetic electrothermography as a new direction of investigations of high-temperature metal interaction with gases and  dynamic X-ray analysis for studying dynamics of phase transformations in the SHS wave are discussed.
The lecture describes the discovered phenomenon of structure non-uniqueness in binary systems and application of this phenomenon for structural regulation of combustion product characteristics, some interesting data in polymorphism of silicon nitride structure and dynamics of recrystallization in combustion products.
The second part, which is set out rather sparingly in spite of a great number of results, describes various SHS applications (chemical synthesis of inorganic compounds, elaboration of powders with particular properties, net-shape synthesis). Interesting examples of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of yttrium-barrium cuprate (high-temperature superconductor), abrasive pastes for simultaneous grinding and polishing, complex titanium-chromium carbide possessing heat and wear resistance at high temperatures and used as an excellent material for protective coatings, unusual characteristics of multicomponent ceramics containing various combinations of nitrides, borides and sialons, etc. are given.
The paper contains brief information of alternative principles of the technology of inorganic materials, science-intensive production and various directions of material application, which are developed in the SHS field.
As the main result of their 40-year activity, the authors consider the creation of the boundary area between the combustion theory and materials science, the formation of a bridge between the combustion techniques and inorganic material technology, the spontaneous formation under the influence of the authors’ activity of the World community of the specialists who turned SHS into the advanced field of scientific and technical progress.
€ 45,00

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