Role of MgO and Fe2O3 additives on the synthesis and properties of aluminium titanate ceramics

ISSN 1121-7588
S. Maitra, S. Bhattacharya
College of Ceramic Technology, Kolkata, India


The role of magnesia and iron oxide additives on the synthesis and properties of aluminum titanate formed from reactive alumina and rutile powders was investigated. For this purpose the precursor powder mixtures containing MgO and Fe2O3 additives were compacted and sintered at 1300°C, 1400°C and 1500°C. Different properties of the sintered samples e.g. firing shrinkage, bulk density, apparent porosity, specific gravity, phase composition and microstructure were studied. It was observed that the simultaneous use of MgO and Fe2O3 additives facilitates the formation of aluminium titanate and its densification.
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