Effect of ammonium sulfate on morphology of Y2O3 nanopowders obtained by precipitation and its impact on the transparency of YAG ceramics

ISSN 1121-7588
Tomaszewski Henryk, Wajler Anna, Węglarz Helena, Sidorowicz Agata, Brykała Urszula, Jach Katarzyna
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Department of Ceramics, Wólczyńska 133, 01-919 Warsaw, Poland


As known fabrication of fully transparent YAG ceramics using solid-reaction method needs highly sinterable Y2O3 and Al2O3 powders. In the work reported, as a source of alumina Taimicron TM-DR nanopowder was used, but Y2O3 nanopowder with controlled morphology was prepared by AHC precipitation starting from nitrates. The effect of ammonium sulfate was intensively studied throughout the precipitation process. As found, sinterability of final Y2O3 powders were strongly affected by the addition of (NH4)2SO4. Transmittance of sintered YAG ceramics based on commercial alumina and yttria powders prepared showed that an optimum of ammonium sulfate addition exists. Mechanism of Y2O3 nanopowders properties regulation by presence of ammonium sulfate in precipitation process was studied and discussed.
€ 45,00

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