High Energy Milling of Zirconia: a Systematic Critical Review on the Phase Transformation

ISSN 1121-7588
Nataliia Gorodylovaa, Žaneta Dohnalováb and Petra Šulcovác
Department of Inorganic Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Doubravice 41, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic


The phase transformation of zirconia from monoclinic to tetragonal polymorph at room temperature under mechanical processing has been a subject of a great interest due to technological importance of this material. Mechanism of this transformation has been widely investigated and plenty of explanation theories of zirconia stabilisation have been developed as well. This article critically reviews the systematic development regarding this transformation under mechanical processing and includes the summarised results of key-publications on this topic.
€ 45,00

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