Preparation of Protonic Conductor BaZr0.5Ce0.3Ln0.2O3-δ (Ln=Y, Sm, Gd, Dy) by using a Solid State Reactive Sintering Method

ISSN 1121-7588
Junfu Bu1, Pär G. Jönsson1, Zhe Zhao1,2
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, 201418 Shanghai, China


Protonic conductors of BaZr0.5Ce0.3Ln0.2O3-δ (BZCLn532, Ln=Y, Sm, Gd, Dy) were successfully synthesized by using a cost-effective solid state reactive sintering (SSRS) method with 1 wt.% NiO as a sintering aid. The pellets of the BZCLn532 were obtained at sintering temperatures between 1300 - 1600 ℃. The results show that the morphologies and the final relative densities of the obtained BZCLn532 pellets are influenced significantly when different sintering temperatures were applied. Dense pellets of the BZCLn532 can be obtained at sintering temperatures of 1600 ℃ for BaZr0.5Ce0.3Y0.2O3-δ and 1400 ℃ for BaZr0.5Ce0.3Sm0.2O3-δ, BaZr0.5Ce0.3Gd0.2O3-δ and BaZr0.5Ce0.3Dy0.2O3-δ. The ionic conductivity results show that the BaZr0.5Ce0.3Y0.2O3-δ (BZCY532) and BaZr0.5Ce0.3Dy0.2O3-δ (BZCD532) ceramics are demonstrated to be good candidates of oxygen ion conductor and proton conductor materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (ITSOFCs) applications.
€ 45,00

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