Assessment of thermal stability and characterization of Egyptian corals (Favia Stelligera species)

Ceramurgia + Ceramica Acta
ISSN 1970-0393
(Publication ceased)

Formerly "Ceramurgia"
Volumes No. 1 - 32 - ISSN 0045-6152
Gehan, T. El-Bassyouni*, Nagi, R.E. Radwan**, Wafa, I. Abdel-Fattah*
*Ceramic Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt;
**Chemistry Department, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Egypt


Natural corals are used as they are extracted or when converted to hydroxyapatite in reconstructive surgeries having structural similarities to bone. The present work is dealing with the study of the thermal behaviour of corals (CO) harvested from red sea in parallel with a sample of chemically precipitated calcium carbonate (CC) for comparison.
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