Comparison of Microwave and Conventional Sintering of LHA Ceramics and Functionally Graded Alumina-LHA Ceramics

pages 332-339
Zahra Negahdari, Monika Willert-Porada
Abstract | € 45,00

Fabrication of functionally graded ZTA ceramics using a novel combination of freeze casting and electrophoretic deposition

pages 340-347
Annemarie Preiss, Bo Su, Simon Collins, Peter Ellison
Abstract | € 45,00

Effects of Strain-graded Plastic Deformation on Mechanical Properties of Metals

pages 348-351
Kiyotaka Matsuura, Munekazu Ohno
Abstract | € 45,00

Defect Crystal Structure of Low Temperature Modifications of Li2MO3 (M=Ti, Sn) and Related Hydroxides

pages 352-357
Nadezda V. Tarakina, Tatiana A. Denisova, Yana V. Baklanova, Lidia G. Maksimova, Vladimir G. Zubkov, Reinhard B. Neder
Abstract | € 45,00

Atomic and electronic structure of zinc and copper pyrovanadates with negative thermal expansion

pages 358-363
T.Krasnenko, N. Medvedeva, V.Bamburov
Abstract | € 45,00

Layered Alumina Ceramics with Porosity Steps

pages 364-369
Eva Gregorová , Willi Pabst, Michaela Chmelíčková
Abstract | € 45,00

Fabrication of Porous Intermetallic Thick Films by Metallic Powder-Liquid Reaction

pages 370-373
Tatsuya Ohmi, Manabu Iguchi
Abstract | € 45,00

High-Strength Reaction-Sintered Silicon Carbide for Large-Scale Mirrors - Effect of surface oxide layer on bending strength -

pages 374-382
Shoko Suyama, Yoshiyasu Itoh
Abstract | € 45,00

Development of Functionally Graded Coating based Plasma Facing Materials for Fusion Reactor

pages 383-391
GE Chang-Chun, GUO Shuang-Quan, FENG Yun-Biao, ZHOU Zhang-Jian, DU Juan, ZHOU Hai-Bin, WANG Chun
Abstract | € 45,00

Relationship Between Microstructure and Hardness of ZrN/TiN Multi-Layers with Various Bilayer Thicknesses

pages 392-395
Yoshifumi Aoi, Satoru Furuhata, Hiromi Nakano
Abstract | € 45,00

Mechanical properties of Si3N4-SiC composites sintered by HPHT method

pages 396-401
Piotr Klimczyk
Abstract | € 45,00

Effect of the Hydrothermal Heat Treatment Conditions of Titanium Substrates on the Bio-Mimetically Grown “Bone-Like” Apatite Coatings

pages 402-407
Dilek TEKER, Can Poyraz SAĞ, Mehmet DİNÇER, Sedat ALKOY, Koray ÖZTÜRK
Abstract | € 45,00
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